The Day Slothie met Monkey

The Day Slothie met Monkey
By: Slothie Joel Armadillo Pengy

(14/08/2019) Cuddly Critters Wild Milo Jnr Monkey (Brown) 15cm

Today, I Slothie Joel Armadillo Pengy met this very nice monkey. We are now best friends. I just call him monkey or monkey-junior. He just calls me Slothie or Best Friend.

We started our friendship today morning. When I first saw him, we both said hi and asked if we could become friends. I love monkeys! We hugged and became 100% besties. 

At lunch and recess, we played hide & seek tips with the help of my owner Joel and his friend Xavier. We had very fun at recess, except that the new person, Yalir nearly gave him a heart attack. Why? Nobody knows.

Bad News: At lunch, Joel's 'mmaaaaaah' teacher, Mrs. Francis put him on detention for just forgetting to do his duty 2 times. 

The End

Note: I already had a friend called Storkon. 

Important: I have three allergies. One, any type of liquid except for drinks. Two, to tomatoes. Three, to oil.


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