A Persuading Story

It is bad to be the only child in the family
It is not very fun to be the only child in the family. All the parents might be busy at work while you do not have any company. You only get company at school (Mon-Fri). You can’t play 2+ player games unless your parents are not busy at the moment. When you grow up and stay home or something, you can’t play too. You could if you are still interested in toys. You can only play device games. Most of them are two players near you kind of game. Normally, you can play with your friends at home, but not always. You might not even have a device even though that is highly doubted. You would not fight but you might want to learn Karate Skills. It might be fun, but always to be the only child in the family. I believe that you have more negatives than positives.
The End


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